a white stallion, a red rose ...

ferdinand von aegir / fire emblem: three houses


❝ come what may, i will never falter ! ❞

I. mutuals only ! I am very OC and pan-fandom friendly, but in general I do not follow back if I cannot find a rule page or I am unfamiliar with the character or source material. Likewise, I am a little selective with multi-muses who write for multiple fandoms that I am unfamiliar with, but will usually follow back if I at least know a few!II. formatting ! Honestly, I am too old these days to keep up with the Youth's fancy formatting, but I do not mind if my partner goes all out. I also use small text and icons, but am happy to make any accommodations.III. starters ! If you are a mutual, you are welcome to send in memes, like starter calls, and request starters. I am always open to plotting with mutuals in IMs or over Discord. Please do not be shy: if we are mutuals, I want to write with you !IV. threads ! I am open to all kinds of threads: one-liners, para, and novella. that being said, I have a hard time keeping up with long threads. I am a screenwriter by schooling and trade so novella is entirely against my nature, ha ha. While I might not match length, I will always ensure that there is enough content to reply to, but please do not take it personally if I take a long time on or drop threads that get too long.V. content ! Please do not intentionally use my manifestly distinct headcanons (for example, my way-too-detailed Aegir headcanons or things like my Ferdinand's horse's name), graphics, threads, or any other content found on this blog without permission. I have unfortunately dealt with this issue many times in this particular fandom and it is a hardblock from me.disclaimer ! My biases are for Crimson Flower and Verdant Wind, and my opinions on Faerghus + the Church of Seiros are absolutely present in my interpretation of Ferdinand. I do not have pre-plotted verses for Azure Moon or Silver Snow, as I believe Ferdinand should have been a route exclusive character. Do with that what you will! VI. shipping ! I am multi-ship but please know that shipping is not a priority on this blog, and it must follow some sort of OOC discussion. I am open to most canon ships ( baring the obvious gross stuff, and I will not ship Ferdinand/Hilda or Ferdinand/any staff ), assuming we have writing chemistry. In general, I will not ship with you if you already have a main Ferdinand, but I may make exceptions if your main is currently inactive or low-activity! I do not practice mains for shipping or otherwise.


❝ i am ferdinand von aegir, legitimate son of the aegir family, the empire’s foremost house ! ❞

name: Ferdinand von Aegir
age: 18/23+
birthday: 30th of Great Tree Moon
height: 5’9, later 5’11
build: athletic, slender but strong
relatives: Ludwig and Ernestine von Aegir ( parents )
orientation: bisexual and polyamorous
lifestyle: wealthy
crest: Minor Crest of Cichol
relic: Ochain Shield
class: noble ↠ cavalier ↠ paladin ↠ holy knight
strengths: sword, lance, axe, riding, heavy armor ( budding talent )
weaknesses: none ( no, really )
steeds: Duke’s Pride XXXIX, a true white Aegir destrier
likes: horseback riding, tea, equipment upkeep, justice, being noble, and heights
dislikes: slothfulness, Hubert, and nobles who are not noble


❝ a country — no, a world in need of rescue ? a quest fit for the great ferdinand. just leave it to me !

I. academy ! Ferdinand von Aegir, only son and heir to the prime minister of the Adrestian Empire, enrolls in the Officers Academy at Garreg Mach monastery. His studies focus on the politics surrounding war as well as cavalier training. He is a member of the esteemed Black Eagles House with little interest in joining other houses. Unbeknownst to his classmates, he spends the majority of his free time compiling evidence against his father (after discovering corruption in his tax records) to bring his political crimes to light against a fair, imperial trial.II. war ! Edelgard dismisses Ferdinand’s father from his position as prime minister and strips House Aegir of its territories, wealth, and status. Reeling from the shock and indignity, Ferdinand struggles feverishly with his decision: to stand with the Empire or fight to topple it.In Crimson Flower, Ferdinand joins the Black Eagles Strike Force as the new Duke Aegir. He is essentially a puppet ruler, with little actual authority over his house’s assets or territory. His relationship with Edelgard remains contentious; however, the more the war progresses, the more he champions her Verdant Wind, Ferdinand refuses to serve as Edelgard’s puppet and instead joins the fight against the Empire. He is branded a traitor, and—though he believes it the right choice—the guilt he suffers from betraying his homeland and emperor is never assuaged so long as he lives.note: as per my interpretation of Ferdinand, I do not see Silver Snow or Azure Moon aligning with his character and thus am not interested in writing within either of those routes. I am open to exceptions with plotting, though.III. hopes ! After his father is imprisoned, Ferdinand is made a general in the Adrestian Army. In the meantime, he continues gathering evidence against his father while fighting alongside Shez and Edelgard. When his father escapes and strikes up rebellion in Aegir, Ferdinand returns to quell the revolts by striking down his own father, and secures his place at Edelgard and Hubert's side. As per canon, he is not recruitable to any other routes.IV. epilogue !in Crimson Flower: as Duke Aegir, Ferdinand works tirelessly to restore and reform his lands, and is so successful that Edelgard appoints him prime minister in recognition of his achievements. He is the first noble to relinquish his noble status under Edelgard’s reformation, and his policies and guidance help the Empire achieve great prosperity. he becomes known as one of the nation’s two jewels alongside Hubert.verdant wind: Ferdinand regains his territories, wealth, and status. He works tirelessly to restore and reform his lands, and is ultimately invited to help govern Fódlan at large. He primarily serves as a representative of the old Adrestian Lords, but his policies help bring order and prosperity to all of Fódlan.V. pan-fantasy, medieval verse ! After the Empire declares war and Ferdinand’s house is stripped of its power, Ferdinand refuses to fight against his homeland, nor remain as a puppet ruler. Instead, he flees Fódlan entirely to live with family allies on another continent ( setting dependent ). there, he begins plotting a way to one day return and restore his house.


❝ i like ferdinand von aegir a normal, regular amount. ❞

intro ! Thanks for checking out my rules! My name is Willow, and I am obsessed with Ferdinand von Aegir. She/her, 25+. I am a narrative designer at a game studio, so sadly, I do not always have a ton of energy for hobby writing. If you like Engage, you can also find me on my Griss blog @grisshound.triggers ! I do not have any triggers, but I will always try my best to tag things appropriately. My tags are oriented as such: "trigger" cw /icons / graphics ! My dash icon was made by Beep/Ambitionsrelic, but otherwise I make all my icons and graphics myself. If I notice you using fanart for graphics or icons without stated permission I will likely unfollow, that is not cool!contacts ! I have Discord and Twitter that I am happy to give out if we write or talk often. I also play FFXIV and Monster Hunter a lot if you are into that. I am very friendly and love to talk to my writing partners out of character! Just be prepared because I talk about Ferdinand a lot. I mean, a normal regular amount.